Matthew – Loves Diverse Calgary

I met Matthew the same day I met the last guy, Joe. In fact I talked to 3 people that day :). When I approached Matthew he was with a friend. I had asked both of them if they wanted to be interviewd, but only Matthew was up for it. 1 is better than none! Here is what Matthew had to say.

Matthew People of Calgary Guy Man Head shot bokeh - Rob Moses photography - Vancouver Seattle Washington Portrait Photographer PhotographersCamera: Canon 5D mark iii & 50mm 1.4 ~ Settings: 1/2500 – f/1.4 – ISO 320

1. Where are you from?
Originally from Calgary. You want to know my ancestors?

Rob: Sure!

Matthew: My mom’s Romanian and my dads Italian, so we have that ethnic background which is why I love Calgary, a lot. And I speak Italian.

Rob: Cool! So are you the first born Canadian in your family? 

Matthew: Ya, my mom is from Romania and my dad is from Northern Italy, so ya it’s a cool mix. They love Calgary as well.

Rob: Ya it’s a good spot. So you’ve lived there all your life then? 

Matthew: Yes I have, well actually I lived in Florida for a bit, it’s totally different. I’m not gonna lie, I actually like it here a lot more. The people are a lot better, a lot more intuitive and I feel like they are a lot smarter and a lot more diverse.

Rob: So you like living in Calgary then.

Matthew: Ya I love Calgary.

Rob: So what is about living in Calgary that you like exactly, besides great people.

Matthew: I like the environment. I like the night life, it’s cool you get to meet a lot of new people. And also the air, it feels a lot healthier and a lot more fresh. I also like the views.

2. What do you like to do for fun?
I like to play instruments. The music scene here is pretty good.

Rob: Cool, what do you play?

Matthew: I play the guitar and piano, although I am trying to produce in my off time. I also like the bar and club scene.

3. If you had to describe Calgary to some one, what would you say?
Defiantly not a hick town! It’s very different. There are so many different types of people here. You get a peace of everything, of every culture and every walk of life, so that’s what I love.

Rob: Great, me too! I’m with ya there.

4. Have you ever ridden a horse?
No I haven’t. (Laughter). People think it’s all about cowboys and it’s not haha.

5. Anything you’d like to add?
For people who don’t really know much about Calgary, it’s not really that isolated and it’s a modern city, so you’ll definitely like that aspect. Everything is here and you can try so many different things here and that’s why I would recommend Calgary.

The People of Calgary shaw tv interview famous network reporter camera guy man - Rob Moses Photography - Vancouver Seattle Washington Photographer Photographers

Thank you for taking the time to talk to me Matthew! 🙂




Amber Schinkel – Global TV News Anchor

A couple weeks ago I was watching the morning news on Global TV and saw Amber anchoring the news as I so often do. I thought to my self it would be cool if she’d do the blog. So on a whim I decided to send her a message on twitter to see if she would be into it. To my pleasant surprise she was! I met Amber at a Starbucks and we hung out and had a little chat before we got going on the blog questions. She was extremely nice and couldn’t have been more sweet. I can see why Amber is where she currently is in her broadcasting career. Amber is clearly great at her job and really is just a good person and very nice to be around.

Thank you very much for taking the time to talk to me Amber! 😀

Amber Schinkel - People of Calgary - Global TV News - Rob Moses Photography
Camera: Canon 5Diii & 135L – Settings: 1/400th // f2 // ISO 100

1. Where are you from?
I am from Cochrane Alberta, which is located outside of Calgary, north west of Calgary.

2. Why did you moved to Calgary of all places?
I grew up on a farm just outside of Cochrane and through my work it was just great to be able to come back to my home city. I moved away and I did small towns and worked my way up in my career through cities outside of Calgary, but it was nice to be able to come home.

3. Did you ever leave Alberta?
Yes, I lived in Swift Current Saskatchewan for two months and it was a good way to get my foot in the door for broadcasting. It was brutally cold, it was like December and January in Swift Current Saskatchewan. I wouldn’t recommend moving there at that time (laughter).

Rob: No, it doesn’t sound very pleasing haha.

4. How did you get your start? Did you start in radio or did you just go straight to TV?
I started in radio. I graduated from Mount Royal’s broadcasting program in 2006 and I started working for 660 News right out of school. I worked there for 5 months doing over night anchoring shifts and then I moved to Swift Current and was there for 2 months. I had done a school practicum for Global Lethbridge in Lethbridge and old my boss called me up and said there was an opportunity there so I packed my bags and went to Lethbridge and spent 2 years there before coming up to Global Calgary.

5. Wow, so that’s pretty good, I mean that seems pretty quick. Well I don’t know a lot about broadcasting, but that sounds fast to be where your at in your career now.
Absolutely, and timing is everything and so that really helped. And I worked really hard. I worked my way up the ladder in Lethbridge and then I started in a weather position in Calgary, that was the foot in the door for me here. And since then I have worked my way through a variety of positions and now I am a reporter and anchor for Global.

Rob: Good for you, that’s awesome.
Amber: Ya 🙂

6. So do you like living here in Calgary?
I actually live in Airdrie, just outside of Calgary. But I spend the brunt of my time in Calgary. And I do like Calgary, it’s a city that has a lot to offer. There’s alway activities going on downtown, like you said it’s got a huge arts scene, which I don’t think a lot of people realize. Our mountains are just on the doorsteps, which is incredible. There is just so much that Calgary has going for it, so it’s great to be able to call it home.

Rob: Agreed!

7. What do you like to do for fun?
I enjoy riding my horse. I grew up on a farm, so I still have my horse at my mom and dads farm and so I really enjoy doing that when I can. I like spending time with my family and my friends. And work takes up a good portion of my life (laughter), so I spend a lot of time with my work friends, which is nice.

8. If you had to describe Calgary to some one what would you say?
If I had to describe Calgary I would say that it is a very vibrant city and it’s not the “Cow Town” that everyone expects it to be. It has a lot of energy and there’s a lot of creative spirits here. And there is a lot of drive and initiative here as well. So I think it’s a really great city to be in for so many different people and for so many different reasons.

9. Anything else you’d like to add?
Calgary has some great restaurants. 🙂

* You can catch Amber on Global TV News Calgary in the mornings and on Twitter @AmberSchinkel.